FPA Releases First Quarter 2014 “Pulse of the Industry” Report
The Flexible Packaging Association’s First Quarter 2014 “Pulse of the Industry” Report focuses on the short-term performance of flexible packaging companies (converters) during first quarter 2014 versus fourth quarter 2013 and first quarter 2013. Published recently, the Report also provides information on converter’s sales performance and volume/output expectations during second quarter 2014 (versus first quarter 2014).
Several areas of business activity are examined in the Report including net sales, volume/output, profits, inventory levels, capital expenditures and capacity utilization. Data available in the Report is gathered through the First Quarter 2014 “Pulse of the Industry” Survey. FPA is pleased to report that 66 percent of FPA converter members participated in the survey, representing 59 percent of the $21.3 billion value added segment of the flexible packaging industry.
The Report’s performance comparison highlights note that 56 percent of FPA converter members who participated in the survey, experienced an increase in net sales in first quarter 2014 compared to first quarter 2013.
The Quarterly Pulse of the Industry Reports are a benefit of FPA membership. For more information on the Pulse of the Industry Report and other FPA benchmarking reports including the recently released Compensation Report, the Earnings Report, and the Operating Ratios Report, contact Bob Zaborowski, director, Business and Economic Research at (410) 694-0800 or bzaborowski@flexpack.org.