
Chevron Phillips Chemical Recognized for 2012 Safety Accomplishments

July 1, 2013
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company’s Texas facilities take home 12 awards at the Texas Chemical Council’s (TCC) annual safety awards banquet, held on June 6 in Galveston, Texas. The facilities were awarded for their 2012 performance in operational safety, community awareness, emergency response, security and pollution prevention. 
Phil Cuevas, safety/process safety management coordinator at CPChem’s Port Arthur facility, won the A.D. Cyphers Safety Professional of the Year Award for his dedication to the safety profession.
“Our safety performance in 2012 was commendable, and something we strive to achieve each and every year,” says Rick Roberts, CPChem’s senior vice president of manufacturing and TCC chairman of the board.
For more than 10 years, the TCC has recognized its member companies who have excelled in occupational safety.
Texas Chemical Council 2013 Award Winners:
Borger - Caring for Texas Award
Cedar Bayou - Excellence in Caring for Texas, Distinguished Service Award
La Porte - Caring for Texas Award 
Orange - Sustained Excellence in Caring For Texas Award, Zero Contractor Incident Rate Award, Distinguished Service Award
Pasadena Plastics Complex - Caring for Texas Award
Port Arthur - Sustained Excellence in Caring For Texas Award, Zero Contractor Incident Rate Award, Distinguished Service Award
Sweeny - Sustained Excellence in Caring For Texas Award
Chevron Phillips Chemical’s Phil Cuevas won the A.D. Cyphers Safety Professional of the Year Award
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company
(832) 813-4100