Image Courtesy of Fire Department Coffee
Pumpkin Spice Backlash
Fire Dept. Coffee's innovative flavors and single-serve cans are available at a pivotal time. Americans have voiced increasing frustration over the influx of pumpkin spice-themed product releases, especially coffee, and are looking to explore better and bolder flavors in the food and beverage category. In its recent survey of 500 Americans, Fire Dept. Coffee found:
- Americans are experiencing pumpkin spice burnout - More than 1 in 3 (37%) Americans surveyed in August, before peak pumpkin spice season even started, said they were already tired of hearing about pumpkin spice.
- The flavor that squashes relationships - 1 in 10 (11%) Americans surveyed said they would consider breaking up with a partner if their views over the taste of pumpkin spice differed- with the majority of those (52%) saying they would consider breaking up with a partner if they loved the taste of pumpkin spice.
- The great pumpkin debate - 10% of Americans surveyed admitted to arguing with a friend or family member over their opinion of pumpkin spice coffee.
- Americans are passing on the pumpkin spice latte - Only 1 in 4 (26%) Americans surveyed say they prefer pumpkin spice-flavored lattes over traditional lattes.
- This year's favorite fall flavor is another fruit - 34% of Americans surveyed ranked apple pie as their favorite flavor (among a selection of five popular fall flavors). Only 23% of Americans surveyed said their favorite fall flavor is pumpkin spice.
The video coincides with the introduction of the new Fire Department Coffee Nitro-Charged, Ready-to-Drink Cold Brew. With the release of its new single-serve coffee in four bold varieties (including Nitro Irish Coffee and Nitro Vanilla Bean Bourbon) Fire Department Coffee is ready to rescue you from the unofficial – and arguably overrated – flavor of fall.