OpX Column

OpX Drives Excellence for North American Manufacturing

September 9, 2020

New solutions continue to be developed by multiple Task Forces and Solutions. Currently, available OpX Leadership Network solutions and best practices are divided into three streams and nine specific topics (as shown in July’s column).

When implemented individually, these solutions each bring a stated level of value to an organization. Used collectively, they provide a means to transform organizations and relationships between suppliers and end users.

One Voice Ready Certificate Program 

The One Voice Ready Certificate Program was established to provide recognition for individuals and companies who embrace the OpX Leadership Network solutions. It is an assessment-based program based on knowledge of specific industry solutions and best practices. 

Certificates belong to the individual, not the company. As individuals move within the industry, they maintain the certificates that they have earned.

Companies that endorse the OpX Leadership Network solutions and support their employees obtaining One Voice Ready certificates can receive the One Voice Ready seal. (This seal will be available in Phase 2 of the launch anticipated for PACK EXPO Las Vegas 2021.)

The benefits of the One Voice Ready Certificate Program include:

  • Helping close the workforce development and skills gap issue.
  • Aiding in onboarding personnel for both CPGs and OEMs.
  • Improving alignment, communication and connections between CPGs and OEMs.
  • Creating a pool of engaged individuals for development of additional OpX Leadership Network work products.

These industry-recognized certificates distinguish individuals and companies embracing the OpX Leadership Network work products. Use the assessments to:

  • Test your knowledge of operational best practices.
  • Implement time- and money-saving processes.
  • Provide professional development to your team.

Bruce Larson of Barry-Wehmiller Companies Inc. is the first PMMI member to receive a One Voice Ready certificate. “Knowing the large volume of collaborative work that went into the FAT and RFP products, and understanding the positive impact it would have on our organization, I felt compelled to complete both certifications. I must say that I was extremely impressed with the comprehensive content of both documents and would encourage both OEMs and CPGs to strongly consider becoming certified,” Larson said.

How the Program Works

Each OpX Leadership Network solution has an associated Bronze Certificate, including:

  • Allergen Cleaning Validation Checklist
  • Asset Reliability Roadmap
  • Clean-In-Place (CIP)
  • Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT)
  • Hygienic Equipment Design for Low-MoistureFood Manufacturing
  • Journey to Sustainability Excellence
  • Manufacturing Workforce Engagement
  • OEE Benefits Calculator
  • Remote Equipment Access
  • Request for Proposal (RFP)
  • Safe Low-Moisture Foods Manufacturing
  • Spotlight on Baking
  • Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Worker Safety

Silver Certificates are awarded for passing the test for each work product within the topic (e.g., to receive the silver certificate for Capital Projects, candidates must pass the tests for TCO, RFP and FAT). There are nine possible Silver Certificates: 

  • Safety
  • Engagement
  • Diversity
  • Quality
  • Productivity
  • Sustainability
  • Engineering
  • Capital Projects
  • Maintenance

The Gold Certificate is awarded for passing the test for each work product within the stream (e.g., to receive the Gold Certtificate for Projects, candidates must pass the tests for all work products in the Engineering, Capital Projects and Maintenance topics).

Upon successfully passing the tests for all work products within a stream, the individual is designated OpX Leadership Network [stream] One Voice Ready Certtified. There are three possible Gold Certificates: 

  • People
  • Process
  • Projects

The Platinum Certificate is awarded for completion of all three Gold Certificates. Upon successfully earning the Platinum Certificate, the individual is designated an OpX Leadership Network One Voice Ready Expert.

Testing Criteria

One Voice Ready is an assessment-based certificate program as defined by the Institute for Credentialing Excellence. Assessments are based on knowledge of the specific solutions and best practices. Certificates are valid in perpetuity. Each assessment will be:

  • Approximately 30 minutes
  • 15-25 questions
  • $50 per work product

One Voice Ready assessments are half-price until PACK EXPO International 2020 (through Nov. 8). Enter coupon code OpX2020 during checkout to receive the discount.