WPO Announces ‘WorldStar Special Award’ Winners
Marketing Award, Gold: PepsiCo Inc.,USA, for the PEPSI NFL Laces Can

WPO Announces WorldStar Special Award Winners

May 8, 2020
WPO Announces ‘WorldStar Special Award’ Winners

The WPO (World Packaging Organisation) announced Bronze, Silver and Gold Special Award winners in the categories of Marketing, Sustainability, Packaging that Saves Food, and the President’s Award.

President’s Award Winners

GOLD: (pictured above) Magna International Pte Ltd, Singapore, for the Vappro VBCI 826 Soluplast

SILVER: Cafès Novell, Spain, for the Compostable Barrier Organic Coffee Capsules compatible with Nespresso Coffee Makers

BRONZE: Plantic Technologies, Australia, for the PLANTICTM RV Skin Packaging Materials

BRONZE: Coca-Cola Brazil, for the Universal Returnable Bottle

“This revolutionary biodegradable non-toxic water-soluble plastic packaging film is a world-first solving corrosion problems of the industry clearly with the environment in mind. It exceeds the 3R’s of packaging philosophy: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle," explained Pierre Pienaar, WPO President, on why he chose the Gold for the President’s Award. "

It was developed to replace conventional polyethylene non-biodegradable anti-corrosion films, without the need for environmentally harmful rust preventives. It is to be noted that it aligns with my objectives of eliminating the plastics pollution of the oceans as it's completely dissolvable in water. It can be used in conjunction with any packaging materials such as paper, paperboard, wood crates or plastic films.  My personal and heartiest congratulations as a standout clear winner," he added.

Sustainability Award Winners

GOLD: (Pictured above) Pact, New Zealand, for the Lewis Road 100% rPET Milk Bottle

SILVER: Woolworths, Australia, for the Woolworths Bakery Plant Fibre Tray

BRONZE: JASA Packaging Solutions B.V.,Netherlands for the Bag-2-Paper™

Packaging that Saves Food Award Winners

GOLD: (Pictured above) Sealed Air, Australia, for Hazeldene's Chicken Farm and Sealed Air for Cryovac® (Darfresh® on Tray

SILVER: Beijing Easite Packaging Design Co. Ltd for the Npop DEQINGYUAN Recyclable Egg-box

BRONZE: PLACON®, USA for HomeFresh® Entrée 


Marketing Award Winners

GOLD: (Pictured above) PepsiCo Inc., USA for the PEPSI NFL Laces Can

SILVER: LG Household & Health Care, South Korea, for the O Hui Day Shield Smart Pumping Foundation Cushion

BRONZE: Placon®, USA, for the Paclock Bi-Fold Clamshell

During Interpack 2021, on February 26, there will be a special ceremony to present only the Special Awards to the respective recipients.

Full details of the winners can be found at http://www.worldstar.org/worldstar-winners-2020.