FPA Highest Achievement Award
FPA Highest Achievement Award

FPA Announces 2017 Flexible Packaging Achievement Award Winners

March 6, 2017
FPA Highest Achievement Award

The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) has announced the winners of its 61st Annual Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Competition. The winning entries were recognized at the FPA Welcome Dinner & Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Ceremony held March 1st in conjunction with the 2017 FPA Annual Meeting (March 1-3) at the Boca Raton Resort and Club, A Waldorf Astoria Resort, Boca Raton, FL.

This year, 75 packages were submitted in the competition, for a total of 152 entries (some packages were entered into multiple categories). Nineteen packages were honored with 30 Achievement Awards in various categories.

The judges for this year’s competition included Eric Fish, editor in chief, Flexible Packaging Magazine; Dr. Robert Kimmel, Sc. D., Associate Professor, Director, Center for Flexible Packaging (CEFPACK), Clemson University; and Dr. Michael Richmond, Vice President, Consulting Solutions, Packaging, HAVI.

“This is a year of more,” according to Richmond, “there's more innovation, there's more sustainability, there's more non-food, there are more holistic solutions.”

Sustainability continues to be a focus, with a number of entries reducing layers and downgrading thickness to reduce overall material volume. Several entries addressed how flexible packaging can help reduce food waste.

There was an increase in the number of entries relating to the healthcare industry that showcased innovation, both for reducing materials and using materials more efficiently. The entries recognized the need for sterility and customer convenience.

Several of the entries also highlighted the transition of products previously packaged in rigid containers to flexible packaging.



The Highest Achievement Award is evaluated by the judges as possessing overall packaging excellence, significant attributes in all award categories, and contributing most to the advancement of the industry.

Hunt’s® Recipe Ready® Tomato Paste Pouch

Awards: Highest Achievement Award

Gold – Extending the Use of Flexible Packaging; Gold – Packaging Excellence; Gold – Sustainability; Silver – Printing and Shelf Impact

Manufacturer: Bemis Company Inc.



Listed alphabetically by package name.

1. Amcor’s Fortis™

Award: Gold – Technical Innovation

Manufacturer: Amcor Flexibles

2. Cape Cod Bags of Cash Promo Package

Award: Gold – Printing and Shelf Impact

Manufacturer: Printpack

3. Clinic Plus Strong & Long Health Shampoo

Awards: Gold Award – Sustainability; Silver Award – Extending the Use of Flexible Packaging

Manufacturer: Paharpur 3P

4. Nudges® Grillers Dog Treats, 5 oz.

Award: Gold – Printing and Shelf Impact

Manufacturer: American Packaging Corporation

5. Shaker Bag

Awards: Gold – Extending the Use of Flexible Packaging; Gold – Packaging Excellence

Manufacturer: Precision Color Graphics Ltd. & Specialty Packaging Technologies Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary

6. Waterless Internet Flower Packaging

Awards: Gold – Extending the Use of Flexible Packaging; Gold – Technical Innovation; Silver – Packaging Excellence; Silver – Sustainability

Manufacturer: Flex Films (USA) Inc.



Listed alphabetically by package name.

1. Banquet Dino-Shaped Chicken Nuggets

Award: Silver – Printing and Shelf Impact

Manufacturer: American Packaging Corporation

2. CAF's "ORUS" Squeegee Bucket Solution Box Pouch, 5.25 lb.

Award: Silver - Sustainability

Manufacturer: Plastic Packaging Technologies, LLC

3. Cryovac® Sealappeal® OSF AW Ovenable Bag for Whole Bird

Award: Silver – Technical Innovation

Manufacturer: Sealed Air Corporation

4. FormFoil™ Lite Suture Package

Awards: Silver – Packaging Excellence; Silver – Sustainability

Manufacturer: Rollprint Packaging Products, Inc.

5. gather Free Acres Adult Canine Diet, 6 lb.

Award: Silver – Printing and Shelf Impact

Manufacturer: Peel Plastic Products Ltd.

6. General Mills Totino’s Pizza Overwrap

Awards: Silver – Extending the Use of Flexible Packaging; Silver – Sustainability

Manufacturer: Printpack

7. Hershey's Twizzlers with FreshPak Resealable

Award: Silver – Technical Innovation

Manufacturer: Sealstrip Corporation

8. hth Showpack

Award: Silver – Extending the Use of Flexible Packaging

Manufacturer: Printpack

9. NFI/UPM Pharmaceuticals’ Lidocare™ Pain Relief Patch Pouch

Award: Silver – Technical Innovation

Manufacturer: Bemis Healthcare Packaging

10. REDKEN HEATCURE At-Home Self-Heating Mask

Award: Silver – Technical Innovation

Manufacturer: Printpack

11. Smart Mix Pro

Award: Silver – Sustainability

Manufacturer: Sealed Air Corporation, Diversey Care

12. Starbucks Coffee - Mexico Chiapas

Award: Silver – Printing and Shelf Impact

Manufacturer: Printpack