The Paperboard Packaging Council to Host Winter Workshop
The Paperboard Packaging Council (PPC) will host its Winter Workshop on Feb. 15-17, 2017, in Cleveland, Ohio. Put on by the association’s Financial Executives and Human Resources Committee, this two-day educational forum will help paperboard packaging executives optimize personnel and protect against the growing cyber security threat, among other key insights.
First, attendees will learn how to harness the Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment to understand different communication styles and what drives workplace behaviors. Teri Kinsella, senior consultant with PI Midlantic, will provide an overview of the assessment – which measures for dominance, extroversion, patience and formality – and how it can ultimately help managers find alignment within teams and drive success. Each attendee will receive their own assessment.
The workshop will also include a session on cyber security and identity fraud led by secret service agent Ryan MacFarlane. With an update on the latest threats and prevention techniques, this discussion will help attendees to protect their companies from one of the biggest threats to U.S. business and manufacturing today.
Other topics will include succession planning, workplace safety and healthcare.
“Management of the modern paperboard packaging operation is a complex and multi-faceted task,” says Ben Markens, president of PPC. “Programs like PPC’s Winter Workshop help executives keep on top of the latest issues in management, which can change rapidly.”
The program will also feature tours of two PPC member plants in the Cleveland area. Tap Packaging Solutions will open its folding carton plant while BOXit Corp. will give a tour of its rigid box operation. These tours provide a unique opportunity for paperboard packaging manufacturers to learn best practices and different perspectives from their peers.
The Winter Workshop will take place at the Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center and is welcome to PPC members and nonmembers alike. Visit paperbox.org/FEIHR for more information or to register.