Fish shaped yogurt sauce new packaging

New fish-shaped yogurt sauces appeal to fish-loving families

July 25, 2016

Great taste in an appealing design: The new yogurt sauces from AS Põltsamaa Felix from Estonia appeal to fish lovers, both present and future, thanks to their two lactose-free flavors that perfectly complement fish and fish sticks, and to their unique fish-shaped plastic bottle, designed and produced by Greiner Packaging.

Parents with children often make a special effort to integrate as many healthy fish dishes as possible into their meal plans. AS Põltsamaa Felix (a part of the Orkla Foods Group) is working to support this target group in the Finnish and Estonian market with its two new yogurt sauces. This seems destined to succeed not just because of their great taste, but above all, the special packaging shape of the product. It was the ideal challenge for the experts at Greiner Packaging, which is able to offer customers the required skills as well as the logistics advantage nearby using its own location in Tabasalu, Estonia.

The plastic sauce bottles that were developed are in the shape of a fish and are designed to whet appetite for salmon, trout, and others at first sight. “The unique bottle shape gives the sauces that certain extra edge. In the course of development, we were able to fall back on our design skill, which always enables us to convince our customers with innovative solutions.

“Our packaging concept is to combine visual appeal with practical benefit,” stresses Günter Ausserwöger, sales director, Kavo. The fish-shaped plastic bottles do prove one thing: In contrast to glass bottles, they are squeezable and allow both big and small hands to enjoy the sauce quickly and easily.
The yogurt sauces for toppings and dips are available in tartar flavor for fish and tomato for fish sticks. Both are lactose-free and have been on the market since February. “The sauces are a simple way to give fish dishes more taste.” says Ausserwöger, who is convinced that “our fish bottles have ideally grasped this issue and put that additional seasoning on the table.”