Smart beer technology has brewed hope for a new generation of dry palates
Intently watching your favorite NFL team perform on live television, your eyes are transfixed on the screen and your mind is disoriented with angst as the quarterback grunts orders to his linemen and receivers. You see the snap, the drop back, and the fluid motion of the receivers following trodden contours of deep field patterns. You reach for your can of Bud Light hoping to slug the remnants before the ball is released, and with the spiral of the ball and the empty can lying on the floor, you realize each motion was successful. After the slew of high-fives and relieved yelps, you unlock your phone to check another score, the temperature gauge and remaining quantity in your new Bud-E Fridge.
Bud Light, Buzz Connect, and Linq IQ have teamed up to develop unconventional technology through innovative packaging, connecting your pre-game jitters with game-day results. The temperature of the fridge chills the beers below 32 degrees, without freezing the content, and signals your phone through the accompanied Bud-E Fridge app. The Bud-E Fridge enables consumers the ability to view information from their fridge through use of a smartphone, from the number of Bud Light cans and bottles in it to when the optimal temperature is reached for them. If the stock of beer in the fridge is perceived as low, the app will notify your phone, which will alert you to replenish your stock to the optimum 78-beer maximum.
The Bud-E Fridge also gives sports fans the opportunity to program their favorite sports teams through the app. Approaching game-day, alerts to your phone will advise a replenishing of supply, or will indicate low levels of supply during the game, which means for Detroit Lion’s fans, your phone will be buzzing often.
Whether it is the Super Bowl, playoffs, World Series, or bonspiel, the convenience of this system is paramount for fans. A Bud-E Fridge can alter the tempo of a game or party through this fool-proof plan: from third-quarter dry palate blues, to 78 cold ones on deck. Bud Light has engineered a rally cap for 21-or-over folks who lose themselves in a competitive game. Their hankering for a good time will not affect the count in the fridge. No fear, shotgun your beer, Bud-E Fridge has 77 optimally chilled ones waiting just behind the door.