Domino launches YouTube channel for digital printing solutions
Channel will highlight customer success stories and product appliations
Domino Amjet(www.domino-printing.com) introduces a YouTube channel designed to highlight and focus on digital printing solutions.
This new YouTube channel www.youtube.com/DominoDigitalPrint has been created to highlight customer success stories and product applications from Domino’s new digital printing solutions including the Domino K600i UV ink jet printer, Domino Bitjet solvent-based ink jet printer, and Domino N600i digital color label press.
“We wanted to create a repository that was 100% dedicated to Domino’s digital printing solutions, where we could place videos of customer success stories and make them easily accessible for viewing,” says Bill Myers, marking manager at Domino. “Imagine a virtual visit to the facility of a label printer/converter or printing/mailing house, and the opportunity to hear first-hand the challenges they faced, the solution provided, and their level of satisfaction…real issues that many companies can relate to, such as the desire to decrease make-ready time, maintenance, costs, manual intervention and increase uptime, productivity, and generate new business…watching and hearing their story, directly from the customer…nothing is better.”
Visitors to Domino’s new YouTube channel will recognize companies featured such as label printer/converters Repacorp (Tipp City, OH) and The Label Printers (Aurora, IL), and soon to be added to the channel, large printing/mailing house John Roberts Company (Minneapolis, MN).
“These customers say it like it is. Any company thinking about adding a digital printing solution to their operation needs to see these videos and how Domino provided a solid solution to their needs,” adds Myers.