
Independent Carton Group members reduce carbon footprint and energy costs

November 7, 2012
Energy efficiency program to significantly reduce electricity costs and greenhouse gas emissions.

The Independent Carton Group (ICG, www.independentcartongroup.com), an association of 17 independently owned and operated folding carton companies, announces that its members have achieved significant monetary savings and environmental benefits as a result of the group’s energy efficiency program with Efficient Lighting Consultants (ELC, www.efficientlightingconsultants.com). ICG member companies that implemented energy-efficient lighting solutions in their manufacturing facilities, warehouses and offices through ELC and various other means are collectively saving $1,871,806 in electricity costs and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by over 18.1 million pounds annually.

The ICG’s energy efficiency program enabled members to tap into ELC’s expertise in auditing energy consumption, devising conservation strategies, leveraging energy incentives and implementing technologies that provide for the immediate reduction of energy usage – all while remaining within members’ current utility budgets. All across the country, ICG members, many of which have multiple locations, worked directly with ELC to create a custom plan for their facilities and install new energy-efficient lighting, which has resulted in sizeable reductions in members’ electrical costs and carbon footprints. Also, members that had already installed more efficient lighting prior to the ICG program with ELC enlisted ELC to perform a lighting audit and implement any additional measures that would provide for further gains in energy efficiency.

“For nearly 30 years, the ICG has existed to support members, and encourage them to support each other, through group purchasing, supply assurance, educational and networking programs.  These programs are deeply rooted in our members’ shared values of high-quality folding carton production, competitive pricing and business continuity,” says Andy Willie, president of the Independent Carton Group, LLC. “The success of this program with ELC demonstrates that we can also count environmental stewardship among our members’ shared values today.”

The ICG members’ $1,871,806 in collective annual savings is the result of over 16.4 million kilowatt hours of electricity they are saving each year. This is equivalent to over 8.4 million pounds of coal and nearly 1.1 million gallons of oil not burned, or the amount of fossil fuels needed to provide 1,976 homes with electricity for one year. ICG members have also helped reduce air pollution and improve air quality by decreasing their greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful environmental pollutants. Gas emissions avoided annually include 33,383 pounds of sulfur oxides, 8,906 pounds of nitrogen oxides and over 18 million pounds of carbon dioxide.

“In addition to considerable environmental and cost-saving benefits, many of our members have told us that the new lighting reflects true colors better and provides for improved color matching. Since we know our members work closely with color matching in the manufacture of folding cartons, we’ve been very pleased to hear about this ancillary benefit of the program,” says Willie.

The ICG recently extended the program to its designated vendors, encouraging them to utilize ELC in support of their own energy efficiency initiatives and inspire even greater aggregate gains.  Several ICG vendors are currently working with ELC through this program. 



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