Brazilian firm Videplast, which engages in food packaging, is among Brazilian packaging firms participating in interpack 2023. (Courtesy of Videplast)
Brazilian Packaging Firms Expand Global Presence at interpack
Brazilian packaging is considered among the most innovative in the world.
With the support of Think Plastic Brazil, these products are being presented to the international public at interpack 2023, which is taking place from May 4-10 in Düsseldorf, Germany. The Brazilian “island” is located in Hall 7.1, Booth D07.
The following companies will be participating in the fair: Canguru, Electro Plastic, Embaquim, GDM, Geraldiscos – Tekniplex, Impacta, Packing Group, Parnaplast, Plásticos Novel, Plaszom, Sommaplast, Soroplast, Splack S.A., Terphane, Valgroup, Videplast (which will be present with two group companies), Wyda, and Zaraplast.
About Think Plastic Brazil
Think Plastic Brazil was created in December 2003, when the Brazilian integrated plastics chain was selected as one of the 10 largest in the world, being recognized for its high-level technology, as well as the capacity of its human resources.
The project is carried out in collaboration with ApexBrasil (Brazil’s trade and investment promotion agency) and under the coordination of the Brazilian Plastics Institute (INP), to promote the export of converted plastic products.
Learn more at www.thinkplasticbrazil.com
About ApexBrasil
The Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy.
To achieve its goals, ApexBrasil carries out diversified trade promotion actions aimed at promoting exports and valuing Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business roundtables, support for the participation of Brazilian companies in major international trade shows, and visits by foreign buyers and opinion makers to learn more about the Brazilian production structure, among other business platforms that also aim to strengthen the Brazil brand.