Converter News

Printer JohnsByrne Completes Cold Foil Certification

May 13, 2019

Eagle Systems, Inc., a U.S. based developer and manufacturer of foil enhancement equipment, announced that JohnsByrne has successfully completed their Eagle Cold Foil Certification Course (ECFC). The comprehensive 8-hour program is geared toward improving production understanding and techniques of press operators, and incorporates the executive management level, to ensure that each Eagle Cold Foil user achieves the highest quality and maximizes ROI.

Packaging printer JohnsByrne installed the Eagle cold foil system in 2017 to better serve their client base. Founded in 1959, the organization remains a family-owned operation. 

“We are a very client-centric, customer-focused operation,” notes CEO Corey Gustafson. “We look at the marketplace, and seek optimum solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. Like our clients, we’re constantly seeking out new ways to enhance our current product lines. Accordingly, we’re very proactive about getting in front of our clients’ needs via the finest available technology. The Eagle Systems Cold Foil system has proven to be a great complement to our offering; it was the right fit, at the right time.

The ECFC course is conducted at the user’s production facility to ensure all real-world factors and influences are incorporated. Eagle has designed a unique test form, designed for failure, to run off each applicant’s system. The press is then finite-tweaked to maximize performance out of each operation’s adhesives, foils and blankets. One of the end results is the elimination of former process obstacles, such as pin-holing and mud cracking. Regardless of the previous experience level, the ECFC will yield significant business and Cold Foil performance advancements.
