
Klöckner Pentaplast’s SmartCycle Line Receives Certificate of Verification

October 12, 2016

Klöckner Pentaplast’s line of SmartCycle post-consumer recycled content polyester films has been granted a Certificate of Verification by NSF International, an independent, third-party, not-for-profit organization. 

“SmartCycle PCR content films were developed to help meet customers’ sustainable packaging goals,” says Patty Enneking, group director of global sustainability and environmental affairs at Klöckner Pentaplast. “The NSF verification provides our customers with the confidence to know that our Smart Cycle films contain the PCR content they require.”

The certificate verifies the recycled content claims of the company’s SmartCycle line, which is produced in North America, and allows customers who use these films to be confident that the PCR content claim is true and valid.

The NSF audit was conducted in accordance with the international guidelines for making environmental claims found in NSF 427 Recycled Content, ISO 14021, environmental labels and declarations, self-declared environmental claims and 16 CFR Part 2016, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims. The verification process consisted of an off-site review of documentation and on-site audits of the North American-based Gordonsville, Virginia; Beaver, West Virginia; and Montreal, Quebec, facilities.

Through its own 100,000-square-foot bottle recycling facility in Montreal, Klöckner Pentaplast recovers used plastic bottles to transform potential waste into a valuable new use with its SmartCycle packaging films. By using post-consumer recycled content from beverage bottles, SmartCycle films save natural resources and energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, keep waste out of landfills and help spur bottle collection.

The films are engineered for thermoform, food and box packaging applications with guaranteed PCR content range of 25 to 100 percent, as well as heat-seal (25 and 50 percent PCR) and RF-seal (35 percent PCR) formulations. Food-grade SmartCycle films comply with all FDA regulations for direct food contact and all applicable European Union regulations and directives for food contact.

Klöckner Pentaplast