FPA’s new website delivers a one-stop information resource and industry nexus. It presents both a “big picture” overview, yet it yields a depth of information for members. The site provides:

  • Downloadable PDFs on issues central to the flexible packaging industry
  • More links to sources that amplify information needed to address core industry issues
  • Easier access to the key data that delivers value FPA members have come to expect

How the Site Works

A highly visible series of tabs on the homepage highlight major program areas, giving quick access to some of the most frequently sought information.

For example, the “Industry Information” tab accesses both industry facts and figures and FPA market research—two key member benefits. For new members, or for new employees of current members, the section outlines content of major reports. It gives them a way to quickly come up to speed on the array of information available from FPA.

A new “Flexible Packaging Facts/Figures” tab delivers key data on the industry. And a new “Related Resources” tab puts articles, information on other associations and information on packaging schools at a user’s fingertips.

The “Sustainable Packaging” tab highlights the multiple issues within the topic. As an example of its depth, it has sub-tabs on key issues such as Extended Producer Responsibility, FTC Green Guidelines and End-of-Packaging Use.

Another key tab holds “FPA Programs.” It spotlights programs including Achievement Awards, Regulatory & Legislative actions, and FPA’s Workforce Development program. In continuing the theme of easier access, the sub-tabs include videos, downloadable PDFs and links to other resources.


For More Info

Go to www.flexpack.org and explore.