Mark Andy Inc. held an open house at its St. Louis, Missouri-based global headquarters on March 3 with the objective of providing converters with a firsthand look at the company's digital printing and finishing workflow. 

“What an exciting way to kick off Mark Andy’s 70th year,” says Mark Andy CEO Kevin Wilken. “The response received from the open house was more than we could have hoped for. Attendees appreciated the open and intimate sessions, with operations, technology, and workflow questions asked and answered. The day’s focus was on Mark Andy’s digital printing and finishing workflow offering and we feel the live demonstrations reiterated Mark Andy’s commitment to offering Business Responsive Technologies to help converters reach their full potential.”

Attendees were welcomed by Wilken, who gave a brief overview of the company’s history in digital printing technology. Highlights of the open house included a live demo of the Rotoflex Vericut3 offline digital and conventional web finishing solution and a tour of Mark Andy’s Lean Manufacturing operations, Mark Andy University, and the Mark Andy flexo and digital show rooms.

The Mark Andy Label Factory was the centerpiece of the open house, with the company's Digital Series press running continuously throughout the event to stimulate various run sizes and printing/converting combinations.

To conclude the event, a Mark Andy Label Factory Financial Plan was reviewed with attendees demonstrating a significant shift in the breakeven point between traditional flexo and a production hybrid solution.

Mark Andy Inc. 

(636) 532-4433;