The Canadian Printable Electronics Industry Association (CPEIA) and the Active & Intelligent Packaging Industry Association (AIPIA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore how printable and organic electronics can drive the development of new technologies that will reduce waste and supply chain costs for the global packaging industry.

Securing this partnership with the AIPIA, a global association that brings together the world’s largest companies interested in intelligent packaging, represents a major achievement for the CPEIA.

“The partnership with the AIPIA builds on our existing relationship with PAC, Packaging Consortium to remake the global packaging supply chain with intelligent alternatives that can address the industry’s greatest challenges,” says Peter Kallai, president and CEO of the CPEIA. “With the AIPIA’s reach throughout the global packaging supply chain and its technological focus, I am confident that together, our two associations can fuel a profound change that will benefit consumers, the environment and the industry’s stakeholders.”

With printable, organic and flexible electronics (PE), the packaging industry is definitely thinking outside the box. PE is powering new ways to manage inventory, track items as they are shipped, better maintain product freshness, monitor medication usage, identify packing materials for recycling and turn consumer packaging into an interactive platform.

As a worldwide association with 650-plus members that promote high-tech packaging solutions, including those enabled with PE, the AIPIA is a natural partner to help the CPEIA promote the capabilities of Canada’s PE sector to the global packaging industry and identify international opportunities for its Members.

“Our mandate is to decimate supply chain costs, reduce waste and increase profitability for our members through the implementation of high-tech solutions in packaging,” said Eef de Ferrante, managing director of the AIPIA. “PE has the potential to drive a ‘once-in-a-generation’ shift in this industry, by enabling active and intelligent packaging solutions that offer the cost efficiencies and functionality suited for widespread market adoption. We are excited to explore where PE can take us with the CPEIA and its members.”

The MoU is a non-financial commitment between the two organizations to collaborate on a number of initiatives over the next two years. These include participation in technical working groups and educational events such as webinars, technical seminars and trade shows.