What are some answers to challenges facing the flexible packaging industry? Expect to get ideas to help you form answers at the fall conference set for October 14 in Chicago.

In one conference session we get to see what our customers in the retail sector see as their challenges and how packaging can address those needs. Doug Rouch, former CEO of Trader Joe’s, gives us insight from a successful niche grocer. Trader Joes relies on a range of private label packaged foods to set itself apart from the competition. And, that’s been successful, especially as retail price competition heats up in the natural and organic food arenas.

  • Obstacles and the American Dream—Christopher Gardner—entrepreneur, investor, stockbroker, and motivational speaker.
  • Cyber security—Theresa Payton, author and cyber security leader with inside experience from government and banking.
  • FPA Flexible Packaging Brand Value Study—Jeff Altheide, Gibbs rbb.
  • Private Equity’s role in the Flexible Packaging Industry—Greg Elliott, Sterling Group.
  • The Polyolefins Market Update—Nick Vafiadis, IHS Chemical.

You get to meet other execs in the flexible packaging industry and gain insights to help make your business decisions. The conference is designed to provide you with networking opportunities. The Fall Conference is October 14, 2015, Chicago. Go to www.flexpack.org for registration and hotel information.