Flint Group is pleased to announce the launch of a new page on their website specifically designed for e-news and social media. This new webpage is a central hub where customers can subscribe to one, or all, of Flint Group Packaging and Narrow Web’s three newsletters, or link with Flint Group’s social media sites.  

Customers can now subscribe to the following e-newsletters: 
  • InkQuire EMEA – with news from Packaging & Sheetfed EMEA
  • InkQuire N.A. – with news from Packaging & Sheetfed North America
  • Narrow Web Xpress – with news from Narrow Web Global  
The e-newsletters will discuss latest product news, upcoming events, seminar information, sustainability information, printing tips and key industry topics.
Deanna Klemesrud, global marketing manager of packaging and narrow web, says: “Flint Group has been communicating product and event news via electronic formats since the early 2000’s – we’ve now expanded those communications to our packaging and sheetfed business units in North America and EMEA. We welcome printers and converters to join our subscriber lists of over 2000 current readers.”
Deanna continues, “E-newsletters are an innovative, modern, and efficient way to reach the growing, global markets of packaging and narrow web; this is an excellent medium for passing along the latest innovations from Flint Group. It is our goal to compile information that is value-added and current – it is our objective to provide our readers with accessible links to our extensive staff of global experts.”
Flint Group is also active on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, and calls on their customers to engage with them via these social media outlets. 
“Today, more than ever before, people want answers and information right away. Using social media is a great way to find daily news, and also to exchange ideas and information,” says Klemesrud. “Customer feedback is crucial in any form of communication; our presence on social media enables efficient two way exchanges.”
To access the new webpage and subscribe to the e-newsletters, or to link with Flint Group’s social media sites, readers can use this link: http://bit.ly/1DCXphy.
Flint Group