The Flexible Packaging Association is a strong network representing the flexible packaging industry, connecting knowledge, people, resources, and ideas to support and accelerate the growth of flexible packaging. Members are industry thought-leaders who create a powerful collective able to influence and affect change.

The 2014 FPA in Review and Look Ahead includes:
•  2014 Accomplishments including market research and sustainable packaging initiatives
•  ongoing programs including Regulatory & Government Relations; Benchmarking, Business, Financial and Economic Reports; Communication tools and Industry Promotion
•  2015 Initiatives, and upcoming Meetings and Events.


2014 FPA Projects, Reports and Research

The Value of Flexible Packaging in Extending Shelf Life and Reducing Food Waste... 
A new FPA report documents the unique characteristics of flexible packaging which help to influence consumer behavior to reduce food waste.  The study includes several flexible packaging case studies which extend shelf life.

The “Energy Bag” Plastics-to-Energy Pilot Program... 
is a FPA co-sponsored pilot in collaboration with The Dow Chemical Company and other sponsors.  The three-month long Energy Bag Pilot examined the viability of collecting, sorting and processing flexible packaging for resource recovery as an end-of-package-life option. The goal is to convert non-recycled plastics into energy feedstock.  A documentary and other materials are being developed to be used as teaching tools for other communities and waste management companies interested in implementing a similar program.

Flexible Packaging ResourceRecovery: A Work-in-Progress...
summarizes the association’s work to date on end-of-life options for flexible packaging.  It includes a brief discussion of the strengths and benefits of flexible packaging and focuses on the challenges and possible viability of resource recovery from flexible packaging. The full study: Continuing Evaluation of Existing and Emerging Flexible Packaging Resource Recovery Infrastructure and Processes evaluated existing and upcoming collection processes, sortation mechanisms, and resource (energy) recovery technologies. The full study and the brochure are available on the FPA website,

Workforce Development within the Flexible Packaging Industry...
is a FPA study conducted by the National Association of Workforce Boards detailing how to hire veterans, develop an apprenticeship program, and institute industry sector recruitment strategies.  The study includes an extensive list of national and other related resources.

Review of Non-Governmental and Other Environmental Stakeholders with Interest In Packaging
The FPA study identifies eighty NGOs and other stakeholders with interest in flexible packaging.  

Advances and Advantages of Manufacturing Processes that Facilitate the Use of Flexible Packaging 1982-2012 Study...
provides summaries of advances in converting and filling. It also provides comparative cost/estimates of four products at retail in rigid and flexible packaging; and an analysis of brand owner decision making.

A New Logo Mark and Tagline...
were approved by the FPA Board of Directors in March 2014.  The official launch will take place later this year once the trademark is granted by the U.S. Office of Patents and Trademarks.


Business, Economic and Financial Reports

FPA collects and analyzes primary industry data to compile several annual and quarterly benchmarking reports which enable FPA members to benchmark their performance.

FPA State of the U.S. Flexible Packaging Industry Report published annually, includes information on industry performance, materials and processes, end-use markets, mergers and acquisitions, and imports and exports. The report shows that the industry grew 2.8 percent in 2013 and is expected to grow 3.8 percent in 2015.

The quarterly Pulse of the Industry Report examines relative performance for net sales, profitability, inventory levels, capital spending, capacity utilization, and includes an industry forecast.

The Bi-annual FPA Polyolefin Market Report,
which is prepared by IHS exclusively for FPA members, provides an overview of polyolefin feedstocks, markets, pricing trends, and related energy and economic issues.

FPA also publishes the Flexible Packaging Industry Compensation Report, the Earnings Report, and the Operating Ratios Report, which provide a detailed look at industry costs and profitability. These reports are published throughout the year and are only available to FPA converter members that participate in the corresponding surveys.

Regulatory & Government Relations

FPA has forged successful partnerships with regulators at the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency and U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other industry associations to
shape industry positions and minimize regulatory burden on the flexible packaging industry. 

In 2014 the FPA Environmental, Health and Safety Committee issues included: 

•  Final EPA Rule exempting the solvent-contaminated industrial wipes from definition of solid waste
•  FPA has acquired a seat on theU.S Technical Advisory Committee •  FDA funding for approval of food contact materials
•  SEC clarification on chemical compounds derived from tin, tantalum, and tungsten

In 2015, FPA Regulatory & Government Relations will engage in the following initiatives:

•  EPA revisions of the definition of Solid Waste for hazardous secondary materials
•  Residual risk under Paper & Other Web Coatings Rule
•  Chemical Safety Improvement Act (TSCA Reform)
•  EPA Environmental Justice program communication tool
•  EPA Design for the Environment (DfE) Safer Product Labelling program
•  International Standards on Static Electricity

FPA quarterly Environmental Regulatory Issues Index is available for members at

FPA Annual Injury Incidence Report is available to participating members.

FPA Industry Promotion

• FPA Communication Tools
• FPA Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Competition 
• Student Internship & Academic Scholarship Program
• Student Design Challenge

FPA utilizes many tools to communicate with members and other stakeholders including:
•  FPA website, and the “Members Only” section  
•  Weekly FPA Industry eNews, and FPA NOW®
•  FPA Update, a section of Flexible Packaging magazine
•  FPA Flexible Packaging Buyers Guide
•  Membership Directory
•  PACK EXPO Showcase of Packaging Innovations and FPA Exhibit during PACK EXPO International 


FPA Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards Program

•  In 2014 there were 81 package entries with 22 winning entries.  The Highest Achievement Award winner was Model Magic® Clear Barrier Overwrap manufactured by Rollprint Packaging Products, Inc. A video highlighting the winners all entries and their detailed descriptions in the FPA Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards and Innovation Showcase, can be viewed at

•  Call for Entries Application process was streamlined and the four categories updated to better describe package attributes. To view the Call for Entries brochure, visit


Student Leadership Programs

These programs assist FPA members in developing the future leaders of the flexible packaging industry.

»  Student Internship & Academic Scholarship Program—FPA and members provide internships and scholarships to packaging and printing school students

» Student Flexible Packaging Design Challenge—A FPA sponsored competition that fosters inspiring flexible packaging ideas developed by printing and packaging school students



In 2015, FPA will undertake additional initiatives.

A Strategic Communications Implementation Plan will define messaging strategies, tools, and communication vehicles to effectively reach, engage, and influence regulators, industry audiences, consumers, environmental constituents and NGOs, about the consumer and environmental benefits and attributes of flexible packaging.

A “Careers in Flexible Packaging” brochure will describe the dynamic, innovative flexible packaging industry and career opportunities, both hourly and salaried, within the industry.

The Energy Bag 2.0 will be the next steps in the FPA Resource Recovery initiative.  FPA again, partnering with The Dow Chemical Company and others, will explore ways to implement the Energy Bag program on a larger scale.

Researching  The Impact of Flexible Packaging on creating “Less Waste in the First Place®” by reducing food waste and package waste to landfills.


For over six decades, the Flexible Packaging Association has worked to provide a wealth of programs and activities that support the success of FPA members.  It is through the continuing support and participation of FPA members that these, and additional programs are possible. FPA will continue to develop key initiatives that meet members’ changing needs.

2015 Meetings and Events

Please Mark Your Calendars

The FPA Meetings and Conferences provide content-rich, industry-specific presentations, and networking opportunities.

•  2015 FPA Annual Meeting, March 3-5, 2015, The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples, FL—Registration is now open, please see details at

•  2015 FPA Fall Executive Conference, Wednesday, October 14, 2015, Intercontinental Hotel, Chicago, IL

•  The FPA Environmental, Health and Safety Summit is set for January 28-30, 2015. 
This annual conference is an excellent source of information on compliance and regulatory issues of importance to the flexible packaging industry.  Registration is now open, please visit 


FPA is the voice of the industry.

 FPA membership provides a significant return on investment through a convergence of programs that promote the value of flexible packaging, represent industry interest among key stakeholders, provide networking opportunities, and focus on industry opportunities and challenges.