Registration is now open for the Flexible Packaging Association 2015 Environmental Summit and Safety Conference. Environmental, health and safety professionals and plant managers, at both corporate and plant levels, would immensely benefit by attending the two and a half day summit. This important forum provides valuable regulatory updates and compliance guidance, and networking opportunities among industry professionals and regulators. Sessions are presented by industry experts, and U.S. EPA and U.S. OSHA representatives.

Cindy Haven, the Environmental, Health, & Safety Manager for cei, Coating Excellence International and 2013 chairperson of the FPA Environmental Committee was interviewed recently about the value of attending the Summit.  These are some of her insights:

Q: Can you describe the value of attending the summit?

Cindy: A key value is the opportunity to interact with regulators and industry professionals who deal with regulatory issues every day.  The dialogue and the ‘take-away’ knowledge is invaluable. Many multi-year participants say this is the most comprehensive and relevant regulatory summit of its kind that they attend.

This content rich annual event is two-and-a-half days. The first day is devoted to safety issues and the following day and a half to environmental regulation, community outreach, and compliance guidance. These sessions provide a tremendously effective interactive forum for those professionals who are responsible for their company’s environmental, health and safety compliance.


Q: There are approximately twenty-five presentations in total, what are some of the topics covered?

Cindy: FPA is fortunate to attract subject matter specialists from the EPA, OSHA, and industry. Many sessions are presented by flexible packaging industry professionals who share their expertise and experience in dealing with facility compliance at the state and federal levels. These sessions have proven to be invaluable for plant managers, coordinators and decision makers.


Q: Can you share an overview of some of the sessions planned for this year?

Cindy:  We divide the sessions into safety and environment. Safety sessions include: OSHA priorities, compliance inspection strategies and global health and safety standards development; Noise Exposure, and Complying with OSHA Electrical Safety Standards in the workplace: 2015 NFPA 70E Update. These are just a few of the critically relevant sessions important to safety professionals to do their job more effectively.

The environmental sessions include: EPA federal and state regulatory and legislative priorities and 4-year strategic plan including cross-agency strategies.  Other sessions will include: developing & implementing a flexible packaging industry-specific Stack Testing Protocol; an update of the definition of solid waste rule and understanding the use of the online environmental justice tool for effective community outreach.  Case studies on managing the use of and disposal of cleaning solvents; training managers in facility compliance; and steps in protecting continuity of operations and management liability are also featured.

Registration is open to FPA members and non-members. Attendees can register for either the safety or the environmental sessions, or the entire two and a half day summit. To register for the 2015 Environmental Summit & Safety Conference, please visit or contact Ram Singhal for details. The 2015 EHS Summit will be held January 28-30, 2015, at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort, St. Petersburg Beach, FL.