Flexible Packaging April 2014 coverThe flexible packaging industry is seeing some remarkable growth, and that growth is set to continue according to all studies I come across. There are so many cross-sections for our industry to consider, and in my opinion, flexible packaging companies are doing a great job, especially when it comes to their consideration of environmentally friendly options for packaging.

In my opinion, we already are environmentally friendly in so many ways. This month’s cover story (page 16) highlights how. Flexible packaging offers the food waste movement the following perks:

  • Less Spoilage and Prolonged Shelf Life, thanks to huge advancements in materials and barriers.
  • Complete Evacuation of a Product, thanks to flexible packaging’s ability to be squeezed down completely.
  • Recloseability/Resealability, which allows for products to be used and kept fresher for longer.
  • Clear Labeling Efforts, helps the consumer determine at what point a product might need to be tossed.
  • Green Manufacturing Practices, which allows for sustainable implementation of programs, such as drastic reduction in scrap materials.

I have also built this issue to be as chock-full of eco-friendly articles that pertain to our industry as possible. The European angle of eliminating food waste can be found on page 18. Page 20 has information on how a Converter can become a virtually landfill-free company in less than three years. Why packaging reduction helps propel the industry forward is discussed in an article on page 23.

Biobased films are now a cutting-edge, real option for plastics, and the explanation by one manufacturer can be found on page 24. Another company is working on how bioplastics can be integrated into packaging, and how we can expand upon that (page 30). And an all new innovation, EB-curable inks for flexo, is discussed and highlighted on page 42.

I would love to begin reading and hearing about how environmentally friendly our packages really are. If there are additional points that I have missed, please tell me! I’d love to hear from you.


Erin J. Wolford
Contact the Editor
Erin J. Wolford,  Editor-In-Chief
(630) 406-0963; wolforde@bnpmedia.com

Flexible Packaging April 2014 coverThe flexible packaging industry is seeing some remarkable growth, and that growth is set to continue according to all studies I come across. There are so many cross-sections for our industry to consider, and in my opinion, flexible packaging companies are doing a great job, especially when it comes to their consideration of environmentally friendly options for packaging.

In my opinion, we already are environmentally friendly in so many ways. This month’s cover story (page 16) highlights how. Flexible packaging offers the food waste movement the following perks:

  • Less Spoilage and Prolonged Shelf Life, thanks to huge advancements in materials and barriers.
  • Complete Evacuation of a Product, thanks to flexible packaging’s ability to be squeezed down completely.
  • Recloseability/Resealability, which allows for products to be used and kept fresher for longer.
  • Clear Labeling Efforts, helps the consumer determine at what point a product might need to be tossed.
  • Green Manufacturing Practices, which allows for sustainable implementation of programs, such as drastic reduction in scrap materials.

I have also built this issue to be as chock-full of eco-friendly articles that pertain to our industry as possible. The European angle of eliminating food waste can be found on page 18. Page 20 has information on how a Converter can become a virtually landfill-free company in less than three years. Why packaging reduction helps propel the industry forward is discussed in an article on page 23.

Biobased films are now a cutting-edge, real option for plastics, and the explanation by one manufacturer can be found on page 24. Another company is working on how bioplastics can be integrated into packaging, and how we can expand upon that (page 30). And an all new innovation, EB-curable inks for flexo, is discussed and highlighted on page 42.

I would love to begin reading and hearing about how environmentally friendly our packages really are. If there are additional points that I have missed, please tell me! I’d love to hear from you.


Erin J. Wolford
Contact the Editor
Erin J. Wolford,  Editor-In-Chief
(630) 406-0963; wolforde@bnpmedia.com