Plastic Suppliers, Inc., a Columbus, Ohio-based manufacturer and distributor of bio- and petrochemical-based films, welcomes Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to present PSI with an Ohio Business Profile Award.

After the presentation, Secretary Husted will tour the Columbus site to learn more about PSI’s Polyflex brand films.

“We’re excited to welcome Secretary Husted and we are honored that we are receiving the Ohio Business Profile Award on Earth Day,” says PSI president and CEO George Thomas. “We know the packaging industry seeks new and innovative materials and products to help them achieve their sustainability goals, and PSI offers a wide range bio-based packaging solutions that support their needs."

Plastic Suppliers manufactures and distributes, in Columbus and Europe, EarthFirst and Polyflex brand films used for full-body shrink sleeve labels, tamper-evident bands, flexible and institutional food packaging, and the envelope and folding carton window markets.

“Bio-based manufacturers – like Plastic Suppliers Inc. – are a success here in Ohio because they are drawing upon Ohio’s agricultural and manufacturing expertise,” says Secretary Husted. “I commend Plastic Suppliers Inc. on their ability to bring together two key industries in an environmentally responsible way. They’re helping grow our economy, save resources, improve the environment and create jobs.”


Plastic Suppliers Inc.

(800) 722-5577