Mocon package-testing labMocon, Inc. and Ronox Technology, Kobierzyce, Poland have partnered to establish a certified lab for permeation, seal strength and leak detection testing of rigid and flexible packaging structures used in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries.

Ronox Technology becomes the first Mocon-certified test facility in Poland and the ninth Mocon-certified lab in the world. 
“With economic growth being projected for many of Poland’s market segments, locating a Mocon-certified lab there provides an ideal local support system for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and other companies,” says Alan Shema, product manager for consulting and test services, Mocon. “In addition to Poland, Ronox will also be serving the needs of Hungry, Romania and the Ukraine.”
Ronox Technology’s laboratory capabilities now include Mocon-certified oxygen and water vapor permeation instrumentation as well as burst and pressure decay leak testing. 
Over the past several years, Mocon has been actively pursuing strategic laboratory partnerships in key manufacturing regions around the world. Its objective is to offer affordable permeation testing services globally at laboratories which have been certified by the company.
The Mocon-certified laboratory network targets a broad range of companies ranging from multinational corporations, which would benefit from a local facility capable of duplicating gold-standard testing protocols, to smaller firms which may only have need for a few validation tests per year.  
Certification means state-of-the-art instrumentation has been installed, inspected and is maintained by a Mocon-factory authorized service technician and the laboratory staff has been trained on Mocon corporate test lab methods/protocols and record keeping to ensure quality and equivalency.  
“Mocon certification assures that companies using any one of these facilities will get accurate, repeatable and consistent permeation test services on a global level,” says Shema. “This is ideal for multinational companies which can now be assured that their materials or packages are tested using identical standards and protocols on four different continents.”
Additionally, for companies in that part of the world interested in purchasing Mocon instrumentation for their own facility, the Ronox laboratory gives them a chance to demo instrumentation in a geographically-convenient location before committing to a purchase. 
Mocon-certified laboratories can now be found in the United States, Germany, China, India, Canada, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Australia and Poland.
(763) 493-6370