Admiral Packaging receives a highly commendable score of 935 out of 1000 in an AIB inspection conducted May 22-23, 2013. The audit was conducted under the AIB International Consolidated Standards for Inspection of Food Contact Packaging Manufacturing Facilities. These standards represent key requirements that a facility must meet in order to keep the packaging materials in a facility wholesome and safe. The Standards also reflect what an inspector would expect to see in a facility that maintains a food-safe processing environment.
Over the past few years Admiral Packaging has invested well over $10 Million in stateof-the-art equipment providing customers fast turnaround and exceptional quality. “We have a deep commitment to the highest quality standards of the industry,” states Mr. Harley Frank, president. “This philosophy coupled with our unrelenting drive to provide the highest possible quality product and service to our customers has enabled us to become one of the largest independent producers of flexible packaging. I’m proud of our facility and dedicated employees in achieving this remarkable AIB score.” 

Understanding the AIB Standards

The AIB International Consolidated Standards for Inspection are divided into five categories: operational methods and personnel practices, maintenance for food 
safety, cleaning practices, integrated pest management, and adequacy of prerequisite and food safety programs. 
Each category has a numerical range within which that category will be scored. The five category score ranges align with the five risk assessment categories and they are: 
No Issues Observed (200), Minor Issues Noted (180-195), Improvement Needed (160-175), Serious (140-155), or Unsatisfactory (≤135).
The scoring of the facility occurs in five steps:
  1. The Inspection
  2. Determining Risk and Assigning Category Scores
  3. Evaluating the Adequacy of the Food Safety Program
  4. Total Score
  5. Recognition and Laudatory Terms
The thorough inspection of Admiral Packaging was conducted over two days in May. 
  For more information about these standards visit
Admiral Packaging Inc.
(401) 274-3203