Flexible Packaging Buyers GuideLooking for a flexible packaging solution for your product? To facilitate your search, The Flexible Packaging Buyers Guide, produced by the Flexible Packaging Association, provides a detailed list of FPA members’ manufacturing and material supply capabilities. Flexible packaging is an outstanding packaging solution. It combines the best qualities of plastic, film, paper and aluminum to deliver a broad range of protective properties while employing a minimum of material. 
The 2013-2014 Guide is available free of charge in the public section of the FPA Web site, www.flexpack.org. FPA members and non-members may browse through an electronic version of the Guide or download the PDF version. Print copies of the Guide are available by contacting FPA.  
The Guide describes members’ capabilities by product lines and end uses (retail, institutional, medical and pharmaceutical, and industrial applications); value added services; printing and converting processes; and, suppliers of flexible packaging machinery, equipment, supplies, services, adhesives, inks, coatings, resins, and substrates. A company index is also available in the Guide. 
With its versatility, custom qualities, efficiency in conserving resources and sustainability, there’s no better time to consider flexible packaging for your new product line or as an upgrade to an existing package. For more information about the 2013-2014 Flexible Packaging Buyers Guide and FPA members, contact the association at (410) 694-0800 or visit FPA at www.flexpack.org