AmTopp cast extrusion linesAmTopp is adding two new cast extrusion lines to its stretch film operation this summer in Lolita, Texas. The new lines deliver the capability of manufacturing an additional 50 million pounds of AmTopp’s ultra high performance Loadstar Stretch Films for both machine film and hand wrap. The new lines, manufactured by Davis-Standard (Black Clawson), are designed to use the latest advanced resins, keeping AmTopp on the cutting edge of film technology.
“Along with three lines recently acquired in Charlotte, NC, through the acquisition of Pinnacle Films, this new equipment brings our marketable film capacity to 290 million pounds, greatly enhancing our ability to service our customers,” says Homer Hsieh, president of AmTopp. “The Pinnacle acquisition appealed to us because the design of the Charlotte plant lines provided the ability to duplicate the consistent and high product quality our customers rely on for our top selling Loadstar films.
“Our increased capital investment in Loadstar low gauge stretch films demonstrates our commitment to meeting our customers’ needs,” adds Hsieh. “This increased capacity is also in line with our plans to boost our pre-stretched film output before the year’s end."
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