A total of 2,820 converting professionals from 45 states and 44 countries filled the aisles at ICE USA 2013 in Orlando, Florida, April 9-11, to see the latest equipment and technologies on display from 345 exhibiting companies. 

These results represented an increase of 16% more attendees and 40% more exhibitors over the inaugural 2011 event, reinforcing ICE USA's position as the largest converting-focused show in North America. Some 120 first-time exhibitors joined this year and the returning exhibiting companies took larger space to showcase more running equipment. 
Significant growth also occurred on the conference side of the event where more than 500 converting professionals attended the pre-show seminars presented by five industry-leading organizations and the ICE USA Conference sponsored by AIMCAL. Three well-attended keynote presentations also added to the success of the 2013 educational offerings. 
"We are very pleased with the growth of ICE USA," says Bob Chiricosta, show director, "but we are even more excited about the quality of the attendees." Chiricosta says many of the exhibitors told him how pleased they were with the decision-making level of the attendees and both the number and quality of the sales leads. Several exhibitors sold equipment on the show floor. 
Many attendees came to see the abundance of machinery on display from such leading companies as Accuweb, Ashe, Catbridge, Gawan, Kampf, Kroenert, Montalvo, Polytype, and many more. 
"ICE USA's reputation as a machinery show continues to grow," Chiricosta emphasizes. "We are now the largest converting event in North America and we're growing fast." 
The benefits of exhibiting at ICE USA extend beyond just having running machinery for many exhibitors. John A. Ferreira, vice president of Comexi North America highlighted a focus for Comexi at ICE USA. “We are really excited about the new training center we are establishing in Spain and ICE USA serves as a great avenue to promote the center,” says Ferreria. 
Robert Deitrick, sales director Asia & Americas at Nordson Extrusion Dies Industries, LLC, adds, “It’s important for us to be at ICE because half or our customers are here - end users and processors - and the other half are machine builders. Typically people that are coming here have an active project and it is very valuable to meet them face to face. It’s an important show for us.” 
ICE USA 2015 will be held in Orlando, Florida, February 10-12, 2015. For more information on ICE USA visit www.ice-x-usa.com.
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