The Flexible Packaging Association is preparing to release its 2013 State of the U.S. Flexible Packaging Industry Report. The Report will provide information on flexible packaging materials and processes, end-uses, industry structure and consolidation, and imports and exports. Additionally, the Report will include data on sales and utilization levels, current profit trends, capital spending plans, and projected areas of growth.

Data and information available in the Report is gathered through several sources including FPA member surveys, industry wide surveys, and the U.S. Census Bureau’s North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The 2013 FPA Members State of the Flexible Packaging Industry Survey has been disseminated. FPA members are encouraged to complete and return their surveys by as soon as possible. Participation is encouraged as it is important to maximize member input to enhance the value of the information for all FPA members.

The Report is a key source of information for anyone involved in converting, supplying, tracking, reporting on and investing in the flexible packaging industry. It focuses on the “value added” segment of flexible packaging, which adds significant value to the flexible material usually by performing multiple processes most often including extrusion, laminating and printing.

The 2013 State of the U.S. Flexible Packaging Industry Report is a benefit of FPA membership and will be available in the Members Only section Hard copies of the Report will also be available to FPA non members for $3,500. For more information, contact FPA at (410) 694-0800 or visit the Association at