Packaging Strategies Multimedia Specialist Brett Parker sat down for a conversation with Logan Searles, 1st Place Winner of the Flexible Packaging Association's 2024 Student Flexible Packaging Design Challenge. Along with fellow student Starr Gong, the duo from the University of Wisconsin-Stout took the top prize with their Pringles Side Opening Pouch Concept.

The students were under the direction of Assistant Professor, Xiaojing "Kate" Liu.

The concept called for a total redesign of the traditional Pringles package for a stand-up pouch with a flip stand feature. The re-sealable pouch and nitrogen-filled cushioning help to protect the chips from being crushed and retain product freshness. A wide-open side design provides consumer convenience for accessing the chips. This concept also won an award for “Best Video” which will be promoted through FPA’s social media channels.

In this interview, Searles discusses how it feels to win the contest, why he was inspired by Pringles, why he feels the concept took the top prize, and his career goals after he graduates from college.

"There are literally an endless amount of options you can do with flexible packaging," Seales explains, "so I think in terms of opportunity within flexible packaging that it’s definitely the greatest area."

You can check out the video interview above.