JBM Packaging, an eco-friendly flexible packaging manufacturer, has developed and released EcoView, a plastic-free, windowed paper package line. Transitioning from the “poly” film packages that are made from non-renewable sources, EcoView enlists Fiberfilm, a biodegradeable film consisting of wood and cotton-seed fibers. 

Using PEFC-certified wood pulp, JBM’s Fiberfilm offers both visibility and protection, two key attributes of any viable windowed packaging material. The material has also been approved for home composting certification, and it is guaranteed to biodegrade into freshwater environments. 

 “Our EcoView packaging line evolved from customers looking for curbside recyclable packaging solutions that showcased their product and eliminated plastic,” said David Warren, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for JBM Packaging. “EcoView delivers optimal packaging performance without the environmental impact.”

EcoView also offers plenty of options to suit customer needs. Clients can choose from three different window sizes (sneak peek, partial view, and full display), and they can choose from different papers that feature various percentages of recycled content to meet sustainability goals. 

After a few years in development, EcoView made its market debut with a windowed seed packet, but there is significant potential for expansion to other products. 

“Fiberfilm has already been approved by the FDA for food use,” said JBM Director of Sales Jessica Black. “As use of this product expands, we continue to respond to the customer’s windowed packaging needs, while also placing a premium on creating a sustainable future.”