All Printing Resources (APR) announced that it has completed more than 70 installations across North America of its SupplySentry RFID-enabled supply management system that provides real-time inventory information to avoid unnecessary risks.

When a converter with a SupplySentry installation receives supply items, the items are placed in the designated SupplySentry area at one convenient location on the shop floor. This can be a special cabinet, racking system or room. The system automatically recognizes the tags and populates the software with real-time counts.

APR, along with the customer, determines the appropriate minimum, maximum and reorder quantities. With this history, the system uses economic order quantity formulas to determine optimum inventory levels while considering shipping times and freight costs. The system shows the user when an item reaches its minimum level and alerts APR’s SupplySentry team, at which point a replenishment order is generated.

According to Dave Nieman, president and CEO or APR, “The SupplySentry System is only of real value if the converter can trust it – both its accuracy as well as the stability of the system. To ensure both of these, we have developed various hardware and software improvements.” In developing the SupplySentry software, APR consulted with inventory management experts to create predictive analytics formulas that optimize the amount in stock and when and how much to replenish.

The company says that all items being tracked by SupplySentry are read on a continual basis. When a tag is not read for a predetermined number of consecutive reads, the system knows the item has left the SupplySentry area and immediately updates the software. APR says this was a significant innovation in tracking inventory as most solutions used a portal system instead.

Giving real-time visibility to all the inventory can prevent issues before they occur. Multiple reports are available to show trends and other valuable information — even on mobile devices.

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