Klöckner Pentaplast (kp), a high barrier protective packaging solutions company, announced the release of its 2020 Sustainability Report, detailing its progress and commitment to key sustainability initiatives. The report provides details of performance relating to topics that are material to its business and has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards.

Recently the company has doubled down on its efforts with the launch of a new sustainability strategy — Investing in Better — consisting of ten goals. Those efforts are already beginning to show results, with a 14% year-on-year reduction of CO2 emissions and the incorporation of more than 120,000 tonnes of rPET into  products.

“We’ve worked hard to ensure that sustainability is firmly embedded in how we do business and in our commercial strategy,” says Scott Tracey, CEO. “We’ve integrated our goals into our refinancing, which was the first of its kind in the US to incorporate an ESG-Ratchet Linked Term Loan. We know that kp will be much more effective in reaching and succeeding our goals as we collectively engage across our organisation, with our suppliers and with our customers in driving the sustainability agenda.”

This year, the company was also recognized by EcoVadis — the independent provider of global sustainability ratings for environmental, social and ethical performance — with a Gold award, putting them in the top 3% of plastic product manufacturers assessed.

Visit www.kpfilms.com/en/sustainability/kp to read the sustainability report.