Ossid launched an online customer training portal aimed at providing users with operational and preventive maintenance tips for its machinery. The portal will initially cover its NextGen500E Overwrapping Stretch Shrink Wrapper and related End Seal Shrink/Hot Water Shrink Tunnel, which is part of the NextGen500E line. Other Ossid machinery and equipment will be added to the online training portal in the coming months.

The training portal includes instructional aids and tools, video tutorials, PowerPoint presentations and other teaching instruments to guide customers through basic operational procedures and maintenance practices. The portal will cover repair procedures for replacing consumable parts, such as belts, springs, rubber seals and others. Sectional topics include New Product Setup, Cleaning & Sanitation, Safety and others. Online training is self-paced and includes quizzes at the end of each section to assess knowledge.

Ossid says the portal, which it began creating in 2019, is the result of ongoing communication with its customers, with feedback for an online training program that provided instruction for new employees and as a review for existing staff. “We’ve always been known as a customer-first company. And recently, our customers have begun asking for this type of remote training and we’re happy to be in position to provide this added level of service to them,” says Mike Rogers, overwrap product line manager at Ossid. “Customers are our top priority; we’re listening to their needs and responding with our online training portal.”

According to the company, the online training portal wasn’t developed in response to restrictions bought on by COVID-19, but it can be a resource in 2021, as face-to-face meetings are limited. The training portal is free to Ossid customers and the company also offers in-person tech service visits upon request.

For more information and to register for the program, visit info.ossid.com/training_portal.