Today GoGo squeeZ, the leading brand in healthy portable fruit pouches for kids, announced that it will unveil 100 percent recyclable packaging in the market by 2022. GoGo squeeZ will be among the earliest brands to address the implications of its pouch packaging and offer sustainable options to customers.

The result of three years of research and development, the company's final recyclable packaging will have no aluminum layer in the pouch, the amount of plastic in the iconic GoGo squeeZ helicopter cap will have been reduced by 40 percent (which is 80 percent overall less plastic compared to competitive pouch caps), and the recyclable, squeezable packaging will be made from a single type of BPA free plastic - polyethylene. The outer packaging on most of the GoGo squeeZ varieties is currently made from 100 percent recycled paper that has been sourced responsibly and sustainably.

"Developing packaging that reduces our environmental footprint is a critical step in the evolution of our brand and its values," according to Michel Larroche, CEO of MOM Group, the French company that owns GoGo squeeZ.

"We understand that every item we sell impacts the environment. Businesses can and should play a critical role in the effort to mitigate climate change and reduce the plastic waste problem," says Larroche. "We are on a journey to address and improve our impact on the world around us and our community through continued investments in recyclability and operational improvements."

In addition to creating recyclable packaging, GoGo squeeZ intends to educate consumers about the ways in which they can improve their recycling efforts and get more packaging into the recycling stream. GoGo squeeZ has committed to improving packaging recyclability by implementing educational labeling on its packaging, as well as information on its website and social media, to achieve higher recycling rates. Creating recyclable packaging for its beloved GoGo squeeZ product is one of the company's commitments to the children and families it serves.

The company's sustainability platform is made up of four main pillars: Sustainable Farming, Caring Nutrition, Environmental Footprint, and People Wellbeing.

"Making a product that is good for children and healthier for the planet is at the core of our values," says Ivan Giraud, Chairman of Materne North America. "Our mission is to help children live healthier, happier lives. Our packaging innovation is an effort to create less waste while maintaining the excellent quality and portability of our products, so our kids can continue to get the right nourishment while playing and enjoying nature."

GoGo squeeZ also acknowledges that the overarching issue of plastic waste cannot be eliminated with one solution. GoGo squeeZ has joined the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, a membership-based collaborative which engages member companies in research, educational resources, and like-minded members to create actionable improvements to sustainable packaging. In addition to packaging enhancements, GoGo squeeZ is developing future products that will focus on health benefits.

"Our growth and development as a health and environmentally conscious company will continue overtime. Progress is being made every day," Larroche concludes.

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