As the voice of the flexible packaging industry, the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) works very hard to promote the advantages and benefits of flexible packaging; advocate to protect against potential barriers to growth and combat regulatory burdens; and communicate to keep members and stakeholders informed and engaged. Below are a few of FPA’s 2018 initiatives.


FPA will continue to oppose the federal aluminum and aluminum foil investigations, working toward reversing and/or mitigating the impacts of the final outcome expected at the end of this month. We will also continue our efforts at the state level, with particular attention in California and Connecticut, where legislation impacting flexible packaging is expected next session.


The Materials Recovery for the Future (MRFF) pilot will be a highlight of 2018, as the outcome will help inform the industry, policy makers, and material recovery and recycling facilities on the options for total package recycling, and valuable end markets for the recovered product. FPA has also embarked on a sustainability assessment of flexible packaging to update older reports and provide more current data.


FPA will launch a new consumer facing microsite on its website, The microsite will use current information on food waste, e-commerce, and climate impacts, as well as new information gleaned from the sustainability report, to promote the industry to the consumer, and address the miscommunication about flexible packaging that is often reported. We will also continue to utilize social media and expect to expand our presence beyond Twitter.