Uflex Ltd’s EL-1300 extrusion lamination machine, which was originally released in 2016, is now offered with co-extrusion and tandem extrusion variants.

“To meet the principal application of extrusion coating/lamination, mono extruders are good enough,” says Ajay Tandon, president and CEO of Uflex’s engineering division. “However, considering the running costs and flexibility to play with various polymers, co-extruders are gaining traction. In addition to economizing the costs, co-extruders also play an important role toward enhancing barrier properties owing to multi-layered combination. Tandem extrusion is also being developed so as to execute multi-layered jobs in single run for saving upon the process time.”

Benefits of the fully automatic machine include lamination speeds of up to 300 meters/minute, independent drives for all machine segments, motorized three-axis movement of carriage, and automatic thickness measurement and control, among others.

“We developed co-extrusion laminators for the flexibility it offers towards using different combinations of co-polymers suiting the requirements of the customers in terms of better bond strength and barrier properties, keeping in mind the overall characteristics of the substrates to be laminated,” Tandon says.


