Sebastian Huennefeld, product manager of blown film extrusion at Windmoeller & Hoelscher (W&H) will present “Packaging 4.0: Fiction or Reality” at the first ever Packaging 4.0 conference co-located at ANTEC Anaheim 2017 on Wednesday, May 10.

The presentation will address hopes and expectations created by Industry 4.0 and begin to differentiate between fiction/perception vs. strides that have been made. Huennefeld will present two case studies within the flexible packaging industry, one stretch film and the other barrier film production, and focus on how the value chain can be transformed to benefit consumers, manufacturers and the equipment manufacturers under Industry 4.0.

Sebastian Huennefeld has worked at W&H in extrusion for six years. He holds a degree in Management and Engineering from the University of Bremen in Germany.


Windmöller & Hölscher