Although the Club House line of One Step Seasonings was experiencing
strong sales growth, consumers were having trouble finding new ways to
use the spices in their cooking, leading to less use of the product.
The rise of private label resulted in Tums losing volume, so the brand looked to new packaging to increase shelf impact, create differentiation and make up the loss.
Alarm clocks aren’t always the easiest to work. Buttons can be hard to see in the dark, text can be hard to read or the alarm can be difficult to turn off.
In addition to reformulating its lubricants, oils and sprays to be more effective, Liquid Wrench has repackaged its product line to be more shopper-friendly.
When the Eukanuba research revealed that cat owners react differently to pet food packaging than dog owners, the brand decided to instate a redesign that would create an emotional connection between the packaging and shoppers.