Brave Robot Ice Cream, launched by The Urgent Company, announced that it will publish its carbon footprint on packaging. The company says that this is in responds to retailers and consumers' demand for more sustainable options with smaller environmental footprints.

As part of The Urgent Company's mission to deliver more planet-friendly alternatives, the brand is conducting an independent Life Cycle Assessment. The initial findings of that study show that the absolute carbon footprint for its ice cream pint is 0.76 kgCO2e, or the equivalent of driving 1.9 miles in a passenger car (EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator). The product's low carbon footprint (approximately 34% lower when compared to traditional dairy ice cream, according to the company) is in part made possible by its use of animal-free whey protein from Perfect Day. Perfect Day's protein production reduces greenhouse gas emissions by at least 85%, and up to 97%, compared to conventional production methods of bovine whey, as stated in its ISO-certified, third party-validated life cycle assessment from WSP.

"Reducing the impact of manufacturing the foods we love is at the core of what we do," says Paul Kollesoff, founder and general manager at The Urgent Company. "In order to improve anything, you have to measure it first. We will continue to quantify our environmental impact in the months ahead, giving our customers a deeper understanding of how they benefit the planet when they choose Brave Robot over a traditional dairy pint of ice cream."

In addition to product ingredients, sustainable packaging also contributes to a lower carbon footprint. Brave Robot ice cream is packaged in an FSC-certified paper container with sugarcane-derived liner and petroleum-free seals that are 100% recyclable.

Brave Robot will begin to feature the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of each pint on packaging this summer, along with an accompanying QR code driving to where customers can dive deeper on the brand's commitment to sustainability and celebrate with a free pint. The statement will be printed on the safety seal of each pint, under the lid, and will migrate to the side panel by 2022.

"Carbon labeling of consumer products is a growing trend, and we believe that greater transparency around GHG emission metrics is an important step to promote climate literacy," says Jon Spear, Vice President of Marketing at The Urgent Company. "We want people to understand that the smallest of changes in diet can have an outsized impact on the climate. For retailers interested in reducing their overall impact, Brave Robot Ice Cream is an opportunity for them to carry items in line with the growing demand for planet-friendly options, reducing their own impact in the process."

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